Well ignoring the last part, it's been a pretty good run of the middle months so far! But friends, that is not why I have gathered you here today. The fact of the matter is: I have a cooking secret that just might change the way you look at a certain homemade delectable forever...
..but first...behold what glorious free aquatic festivities are found in my current city of residence!

The answer my friends: A CAST IRON SKILLET!

I don't think these photos can possibly do it justice, but this method produces gorgeously bubbly and perfectly charred crust, not to mention excellently melty cheese!

I don't exactly remember how this all came about, but I was thinking about how one might make a nice oven fired pizza without the brick oven, and suddenly it hit me:
Pour ol' broiler is so forgotten and overlooked when it comes to homemade pizza (at least in the circles I run in) but it should be glorified and celebrated! Anyway...a quick internet scavenge later I had discovered that this method had been done before and was relatively simple. It is now with great excitement that I present to you the directions for a fabulous (and cheap!) pizza experience.
1.) Prepare you ingredients

Get a nice high-protein dough or whatever floats your boat (I'm not exactly sure what I did...as usual I didn't follow the recipe) and get your toppings 100% prepped because this baby is time sensitive!
2.) During the prep:
- set your broiler to high with the rack moved up
- get a cast iron skillet on a heat element cranked up pretty darn hot
3.) Now that your pan is smokin' and your oven is ready the fun begins...
- stretch out your dough to the size that will fit your pan
- quickly dust the skillet with four/cornmeal/whatever
- throw the dough on the fiery skillet and artfully place your sauce/toppings on an quickly as humanly possible.
This is going to give your bottom crust a nice toast or char (depending on the time/temp of the skillet) and start things going in the right direction.
4.) After about a minute check your dough with a spatula to see if the desired amount of char has been reached. If satisfied move onto the next step, if not leave on, but proceed with caution!
5.) Stick the whole darn thing (skillet and all) into the oven on the topmost rack with the broiler on high. Let that crust and cheese bubble like a happy cauldron until everything looks good and ready!

I don't think these photos can possibly do it justice, but this method produces gorgeously bubbly and perfectly charred crust, not to mention excellently melty cheese!
I don't exactly remember how this all came about, but I was thinking about how one might make a nice oven fired pizza without the brick oven, and suddenly it hit me:
Pour ol' broiler is so forgotten and overlooked when it comes to homemade pizza (at least in the circles I run in) but it should be glorified and celebrated! Anyway...a quick internet scavenge later I had discovered that this method had been done before and was relatively simple. It is now with great excitement that I present to you the directions for a fabulous (and cheap!) pizza experience.
1.) Prepare you ingredients
Get a nice high-protein dough or whatever floats your boat (I'm not exactly sure what I did...as usual I didn't follow the recipe) and get your toppings 100% prepped because this baby is time sensitive!
2.) During the prep:
- set your broiler to high with the rack moved up
- get a cast iron skillet on a heat element cranked up pretty darn hot
3.) Now that your pan is smokin' and your oven is ready the fun begins...
- stretch out your dough to the size that will fit your pan
- quickly dust the skillet with four/cornmeal/whatever
- throw the dough on the fiery skillet and artfully place your sauce/toppings on an quickly as humanly possible.
This is going to give your bottom crust a nice toast or char (depending on the time/temp of the skillet) and start things going in the right direction.

4.) After about a minute check your dough with a spatula to see if the desired amount of char has been reached. If satisfied move onto the next step, if not leave on, but proceed with caution!
5.) Stick the whole darn thing (skillet and all) into the oven on the topmost rack with the broiler on high. Let that crust and cheese bubble like a happy cauldron until everything looks good and ready!
(holy yum batman.)
For more information that you could possibly want see link:
It is also good to note that the author of said link claims that reversing the order (broiling, then stove-topping works better for puffier crust. I did not use this method and was still pretty happy with my crust, but also my crust was sort of weird to begin with as it was rather recipe-less so I'd say try both! The more pizzas the merrier right?
I would love to hear if anyone tries this method - after all, summer is pretty much ultimate pizza season.
Happy pie-making! (don't let it get in your eye though...)