Friday, April 27, 2012

Dressing Up

Normally I don't care much about what the "big name" designers do - but I stumbled upon some recent photos that I think are worth sharing.
The designer is Jean Paul Gaultie, and the collection is inspired by Amy Winehouse who happens to be one of my all time favorite singers.
Let's take a look:
how's that for a sultry look? 

Holy colors and textures batman!  Also the most excellent pink beehive hairdos are wizard.
It's so eclectic which I love the look and feel of - but tasteful eclectic.  Eclectic that's well put together.

On another costume note: I got to do costume design for a theatre scene I am performing with my group at the end of the Month!  The play is called Trifles and is really a pretty good piece of literature if you're ever interested.
There's loads of good symbolism in the costuming to be sure, gold stars to anyone who guesses it - or the time period for that matter! (yes, that's a challenge)

Really, everyday is an opportunity to costume - so take it!


  1. late 1800s/early 1900s?

    what's the symbolism?

    1. ding ding ding! We have a winner! the play was written in 1916, so early 1900s was what I was going for. I could detail all my glorious symbolism to you IN PERSON friday! Or if you get here around 1:30 you could see it yourself! This is not the recommended option as you would be confined in a small room with a bunch of kids who are all in the class and know each other, and have the potential to stare awkwardly at strangers (you in this case.)

  2. JONI!!!!!! So, I thought you'd be inclined to know that the first model you have here is the beautiful man known as Andrej Pejic :) He's known for being able to walk men's and women's runway shows in the industry.

    1. I would have never known...
      Wow - he looks amazing in a dress!
