Wow, there are certainly a strange and sudden influx of blogposts happening over here am I right??
Okay, but I had to post something, because today I accidentally performed serious hair alchemy.
Like actually…
Some of you may be aware of the strange obsession part of the internet has with going "no 'poo"
(hint, this is not what it means)
Basically, the idea is to scrap your shampoo and conditioner for baking soda and vinegar, resulting in magical hair powers, and total life transformation (I may be exaggerating their claims slightly). So what does this all have to do with hair alchemy you ask. Well, behold, here is my tale:
This morning my hairs were in need of some serious washing, but there wasn't enough time for me to do the whole full-shower situation. Remembering the claims of baking soda's miraculous de-greasing powers of the hair, I decided to try it for myself on a whim. The method was simple: dump about a cup of baking soda water on my head, let it sit for maybe 5 minutes, and then wash it out under the faucet. Bam. If it worked, great. If not, there are worse things than weird oily hair for a day.
However… I was seriously shocked when my hair dried.
It looked awesome. Awesome, and totally clean!
Seriously though, this hair hasn't been washed for 3 days, it has no right to look this acceptable with something so ridiculous as baking soda!!
Accidental quasi-glamour shot! |
NOW, I'm not going to throw all my shampoo out the window and run around touting the glories of "no 'poo" because:
1: this was the first time I have done this, longterm results are something much different.
2: i'm pretty sure a lot of people would get confused and pour baking soda and vinegar on their heads, leading to a recreation of those volcanos everyone made in middle school. For the record, this is not how you are supposed to do it…
3: I would have to change the name, because "no 'poo" just sounds absurd. Poo is a necessary part of life yallz!
Hairs…why you look acceptable???? |
So for a last minute magical hair de-greaser, baking soda apparently works fantastically with my hair! Of course, I have no idea how much I used, or what the proportions were, or what would happen if I did this regularly! If anyone did try this say once a week, I would probably recommend (with my absolute lack of knowledge or experience) that you make sure to keep your hair from drying out too much, either by redistributing the natural oils with a good brush, or some sort of light oil or conditioner.
And may I reiterate the fact that I am totally, and completely NOT qualified to talk or give suggestions about this?
Happy hair days!
(don't) Trust me, I have some hair on my cranium! |