Sunday, June 5, 2011

A weekend in the country!

How amusing! How delightfully droll!

for those of you not acquainted or looking to become acquainted with musical theatre culture:
Too many songs - too little time!

Today I witnessed a full hay baling operation - gosh it was exciting!  This big ol' machine came by and kind of sucked up the rows of cut clover, then after whalloping along for a bit, neatly made hay bales started plopping out the back.  
A pooping hay truck!
I have already decided this, but I will certainly work on a farm at some point in my life.  I think I need a some hard hands-on work to knock some sense into me.  I mean I like to think I've got a fair bit of sense already knocked into me, but still...there's something about slaving away in the elements and making good things come out of the earth that peaks my interest.  I should probably help my mom with her garden more while I have the chance...
Maybe I'll go live in one of those eco-villages, that sounds like a good plan - at least for awhile.  I don't think I could spend my entirety there or I might start composting along with the rest of the pile!

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