Showing posts with label fasion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fasion. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Now Wrap Like This

While summer seems universally loved for all, there are times when the heat and humidity make me feel like I'm literally living in the Amazon rain forest.  Some times you've simply got to combat the heat with a little hot weather vibe of your own!  In this instance, I turned to those most wonderful fabric rectangles: the sarong!
Just slip a swimsuit, tank top or whatever your comfortable (and cool) in and you're ready to go.

If you were wondering how you might achieve this same excellent outcome with a simple fabric rectangle, allow me to introduce my method of sarong tying.  While there are literally hundreds of ways to tie them, this is one of my favorites.

Contrary to popular belief, this tutorial was not done in badly photoshopped clouds...
1.) Fold the fabric in half around your body. Take the corner of the front part and bring over your shoulder
2.) While you hold the corner over your shoulder, bring the fabric that was behind you around your waist.
3.) Hold the fabric you just wrapped around your middle behind your back.  Then twist the edge that was over your shoulder for a less bulky look.
4.) Take the two ends and tie them together behind your back.  This might take some audience assistance depending on your fabric length.
5.) If you feel like being snappy, pin up one of the front fabric layers for another nice little drape like I've done on my right side.