Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Spangly New Year

Look folks, I could not tell you why I really love sparkles, but I just do.  And if nothing says "super spangly new year!" like two hands full of sparkles then I don't know what does!
So here we are - the year 2014 - and all I have to show for it so far is some glittery flanges.
Also, on the subject of party-ifying body extensions: I once more have pink hair!
(and sparkly nails! Have I said that already?)
But all sparkles and jokes aside, I really have a spectacular feeling about this whole 2014 business.  Usually new years are exciting, fresh, new, and all - but this one seems extra potential-filled for some reason.  There's already so much I'm looking forward to, but I'm also excited to see what unexpected adventures happen to drop by from time to time!
If you were hoping for a more in-depth look at pink-haired-person: you are in luck!
If you were hoping for a new image to haunt your nightmares: you are in luck!
If you were hoping for free synthesized music to be played whenever you walk through doorways: sorry, play again later!
Peace out, and have a positively rocket-powered start, middle, and finish to your 2014!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy 2013!

Might I offer my heartiest of welcomes to the 25th day of the year 2013!
I hope that everyone's year is off to a rip-roarin' good start so far, and continues on that trajectory for the rest of it's days, weeks, and months.
Before the return this week to school life, my 2013 consisted of:


Kitchen Adventures

And of course, Costumes!

 Plus a whole ton of wonderful fun with many wonderful folk and many absent cameras...
So here's to an inspiring, enlightening, and jovial 2013!