Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 23rd!

 I've realized that it's quite apparent that about 90% of my wardrobe is due in part to another person, or in my case a generous donor (usually a few sizes larger than me)
I've decided to start crediting my sources - you know, like you would in a good research paper to make yourself seem more informed and knowledgable!
I mean we could all use a little extra credibility now and then right?
The real reason I'm going to attempt to start crediting my outfits, is basically because I think tis pretty nifty that most of my outfits are in a way "recycled" or hand-me-downs - and I feel the need to prove to the fast regions of the inter webs that "hand-me-downs" can be fabulous and completely wear-worthy!

Some Details:
shirt -
 shoes -

CREDITS: original mom piece
belt...thanks again to my mother dearest
pants...authentic 70s beauties from Z's mom
socks...actually purchased somewhere (*gasp*)
shoes...heck yes to goodwill
coat...swap item
scarf...another mom piece

I feel like I should here-by dub this outfit the "Mom-fit" or something!

Happy Fall!...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Back in Time

Some days it's good to remember.  Even if you weren't actually there.
A month ago, Z and I took a trip down memory lane at a classic car show...even if they weren't our own memories!

Two decades in one day - now that's what I call successful!

The 70s
The "Migrating Whale"?
Doesn't get much more classic than than (and appropriately named!)

'76 or '74 corvette I do believe.  so spiffy! 

Real genuine 70s leprecons!

 the 80s
as depicted by the infamous Zothiakus

and of course, other amazing relics from the past.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sun Bonnet Day

With absolutely sky-high heat again, a hat was absolutely necessary today!
I wish I had a proper sunbonnet, but in the meantime I will have to settle for the DIY version.  I spruced up this straw hat with a ribbon and a rose - it kind of matched my hair which was a pleasant surprise!

I finally put the finishing touches on my swimsuit yesterday and tried it out at the pool - yes!
I feel a bit scandalous because I haven't worn a bikini since I was about 5, so this is really uncharted waters for me.  I just really love the look of swimsuits form the 50s, with their nice ruching, and halter tops, so I took it upon myself to create one!  It turned out pretty well in my opinion, but I'll post pictures and so forth at a later date!
In the mean time...
stay tuned...
here is a tune for you to tune in to while you are staying tuned:

p.s - if you haven't yet, I suggest you add a summer night bike ride to your list of good clean fun time ideas!