Showing posts with label candy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label candy. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day of Valentines

ALAS - to be single on Valentines Day!
Honestly Valentines day has never really been about couples for me.  Instead it is another occasion to use skirts as dresses, an opportunity to craft geeky, fandom oriented cards, the promise of baked goods, and another reason to listen to good jazzy love songs.
So really - things aint too bad at all!

Especially when you receive a wonderful package will tiny envelopes stuffed with goodies!

And a crafty entryway.
braided newspaper...who knew!

Also, life is perpetually good when you have a really spin-erific skirt!

So even though I am so culturally uninformed that I don't actually know what a certain St. Valentine has to do with love - I still manage to get my fair share of pink, red and white out of the day!
Also: is the white background & new font working out?
Should the grey background be restored?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Belated Valentines Day

I'm not a huge fan of Valentines day, but as long as it exists I figure - why not celebrate it?
BEHOLD: the cheesy Valentines Day pictures I have created for you!
I got a lot of comment on my hair today ranging from: cute to whoville
I'm certainly not the best nail painter around, but I decided to deck them out for the occasion.  I almost died however due to a blast of toxic fumes that almost knocked me dead on the ground!
Beware the potent power of the polish!
(like that alliteration eh?) 

And of course what is Valentines Day without the classic candy hearts?
This year mine couldn't decided whether to be love or sports related...
I'm especially amused by the "MY TEAM" heart.

got an especially good valentine this year? Gimme some inspiration in the form of a comment below...