Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day of Valentines

ALAS - to be single on Valentines Day!
Honestly Valentines day has never really been about couples for me.  Instead it is another occasion to use skirts as dresses, an opportunity to craft geeky, fandom oriented cards, the promise of baked goods, and another reason to listen to good jazzy love songs.
So really - things aint too bad at all!

Especially when you receive a wonderful package will tiny envelopes stuffed with goodies!

And a crafty entryway.
braided newspaper...who knew!

Also, life is perpetually good when you have a really spin-erific skirt!

So even though I am so culturally uninformed that I don't actually know what a certain St. Valentine has to do with love - I still manage to get my fair share of pink, red and white out of the day!
Also: is the white background & new font working out?
Should the grey background be restored?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dress up your Dresses!

Alright, so I'm in the middle of the project, and need the help of some volunteers from the audience.
*cough you cough*
I got this nifty little number at St Vincent on quarter day because I thought it had potential.  Here are my visions for it - please help me pick one!
sorry for the creepy headless mannequin, I didn't want anyone distracted by my goofy expressions.

Full sleeves with and w/out shoulder:

Strap sleeves with & w/out shoulder:

 From the Back (full sleeves):

Heres what I've done: 

the roses used to be all sewn in this jumbo clump on the back of the dress - it was pretty weird.  I have pinned them to the shoulder, unraveled one and twirled it down the sleeve pinning it in place.  I also added a belt because for now I don't feel like taking it in quite yet!  So general public, this is your time to shine!  What do you think I should do with this dress?

then there's the question of whether it matters which shoulder is on and which is off...