Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring at Last!

Happy May 3rd everyone...

Okay - so it actually DID turn into spring eventually (about four days after the *crosses fingers* final snow of the year)!
Any what a glorious spring it turned out to be!
BEHOLD - the time for cracking out shorts has arrived!
     Just because it's spring, doesn't mean you can go completely nuts!  Always keep a good head on your shoulders:
I grew a robot head guys! (above)

aaaand...zee new shoes!

Happy spring, happy mother's day, happy May, happy green growing things!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Snow?! (and un expected camping)

I thought we were done with this.
Now don't think I didn't appreciate your wonderful show this winter!
Truly, it was incredibly admirable considering what you put us through last year
(we won't discuss that for your sake).
But back to the point on hand,
I think I speak for the population when I ask you:
was this actually planned?

Luckily, the roommate happened to be gifted a tent recently!  Not that we had anything planned involving camping (or that unexpected April snow has anything to do with tents).  Maybe it was rage at the weather clouding our judgement, maybe it was the lack of warm, fresh air - whatever the cause, our brains decided that a minuscule dorm room would be the perfect place to debut said tent!
I think it was a pretty good decision myself, despite making across-room travel almost impossible...
Naturally, we had to camp out for the night.
Funny thing about mesh-roofed tents:
your plastic glow-in-the-dark stars looks astonishingly real through a canopy of fuzzy polyester!
So if you're looking for a way to spice up your weekend (or weeknight for that matter!) dust off that ol' tent you've got packed in the back of your closet and take it for a spin!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas time is here!

What's better at Christmas than a little decking-of-the-halls?
I've been busy decking what halls I have with what time I have not reserved for:
a.) studying for finals
b.) procrastinating about finals
c.) complaining about finals
as you can see, it's a busy schedule to be sure! 
(but in all honesty...)
many thanks to the kind citizens who randomly left christmas tree trimmings outside of the building!

what's winter without some clementine cuties?

And now, it is with great pride that I present:
The Evolution of a Dorm-Tree:

take that finals! You can't suck all the craft out of me no matter how hard you try!

Window decor curtisy of HRH:
Do you see all that GLORIOUS SNOW?!
(10+ inches to come!)