Showing posts with label college. Show all posts
Showing posts with label college. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring at Last!

Happy May 3rd everyone...

Okay - so it actually DID turn into spring eventually (about four days after the *crosses fingers* final snow of the year)!
Any what a glorious spring it turned out to be!
BEHOLD - the time for cracking out shorts has arrived!
     Just because it's spring, doesn't mean you can go completely nuts!  Always keep a good head on your shoulders:
I grew a robot head guys! (above)

aaaand...zee new shoes!

Happy spring, happy mother's day, happy May, happy green growing things!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Snow?! (and un expected camping)

I thought we were done with this.
Now don't think I didn't appreciate your wonderful show this winter!
Truly, it was incredibly admirable considering what you put us through last year
(we won't discuss that for your sake).
But back to the point on hand,
I think I speak for the population when I ask you:
was this actually planned?

Luckily, the roommate happened to be gifted a tent recently!  Not that we had anything planned involving camping (or that unexpected April snow has anything to do with tents).  Maybe it was rage at the weather clouding our judgement, maybe it was the lack of warm, fresh air - whatever the cause, our brains decided that a minuscule dorm room would be the perfect place to debut said tent!
I think it was a pretty good decision myself, despite making across-room travel almost impossible...
Naturally, we had to camp out for the night.
Funny thing about mesh-roofed tents:
your plastic glow-in-the-dark stars looks astonishingly real through a canopy of fuzzy polyester!
So if you're looking for a way to spice up your weekend (or weeknight for that matter!) dust off that ol' tent you've got packed in the back of your closet and take it for a spin!

Friday, March 8, 2013

I don't got pneumonia and we stole David Tennant!

Today I got my lungs x-rayed out to make sure I didn't have me any of that pneumonia - and thankfully I don't!  The plague has been present in our room since about Friday.  A wonderful thing about shared living is that naturally everyone gets what everyone else has, which may I say again is thankfully not pneumonia!
I believe it is time to update the internet on a most wonderful heist that went down a couple of weeks ago involving one tenth doctor, and one excellent plan.
That's right...we stole the doctor.

Some residents across the river known by C&M have this lovely cardboard cut out that gets stolen may times by other residents in their complex as a sort of wonderful joke.  Recently, it was stolen by residents of our humble building, and ended up all the way across campus (conveniently on the floor below us...)
Now the proud thieves made the single mistake of showing us said cardboard cutout and bragging about their thief, which naturally sounded like a challenge to me.  So the quest began.
Our mission was simple:  Lure them up to C&M's room with the promise (truthful!) of baked goods.  While they are out, strike team will make a dash downstairs, enter the room, steal the Tennant, and secure him in J&H's room.
As the night approached, tensions and expectations ran high - everyone wanted this heist to be successful.  Afterall, if we could pull it off, we could not only say that we thieved the doctor, but that we thieved him from thieves!  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.  I wildly threw myself at the peekhole, to see one the the thieves standing there.
ONE?! One was good, but our plan depended on both being absent from the room.
Quickly, H and I scurried over to our room while Thief 1 was admitted into C&M's room.  Listening through the door in the dark, we contemplated rushing into the thieves room and stealing Tennant, even though Thief 2 was still in the room.  At last we decided that would ruin our plan, and decided to wait...for the opportune moment...      
That moment arrived, when Thief 1 got a text from Thief 2 saying something to the extent that he was joining us in C&M's room.  My heart rate spiked - was this in fact the opportune moment?
 Hannah and I made our exits, and quickly convened to decide that only one of us should go to avoid suspicion.  So Hannah went back into C&M's room, while I waited in the darkness, ready to strike.  When I knew Thief 2 was safely inside of C&M's room, I reaching out for the door handle.  As quietly as I could, I exited the room, and crept for the stairwell.  
In the stairwell, my quest turned into a mad dash!  I raced down one flight, out the door, and ran straight into the Thieve's room.  
There he was.
The lonely angle.  The last of the time lords.  THE DOCTOR.
He stood there, starring at me with that look of someone who had seen so much that graces his face too often in The End of Time.  
But this was no time for reminiscing - they could walk back in at any moment!
So without another though, I grabbed Tennant, and dashed back up the stairwell.  Once safe inside my room again, I knew I had to hide Tennant somewhere for the time being since our room is connected to C&M's.  But where do you hide a life-size cardboard cutout?  
The closet door was too small.  The middle of the room wouldn't do.  The only other option was the bed.  With the speed of a fiery chariot I vaulted Tennant onto my lofted bed and quickly covered him with blankets.
I suddenly realized that I hadn't left any sort of ransom - a grave error!  Without a second thought I scrawled a note on a piece of scratch paper, dashed back downstairs and placed our demands where Tennant formerly stood.  Then it was back upstairs once more!
I changed into my pajamas, made tea (for an innocent i-havn't-just-stolen-your-Tennant-sort-of-look) and sauntered back into C&M's room to enjoy watching strange music videos with the roomies and the Thieves - not to mention giving meaningful eyebeams all around so that the other heist-ers knew of my success.  It was quite wonderful.
On that Sunday eve, we were ready to collect our random.  Through much peer pressure and pleading I was able to convince C&M to wear mustaches on sticks while accompanying me to gather the ransom.  M also brought a plastic gun that pathetically shot out colored balls now and then...
I'm pretty sure we made the man in the stairways night - he seemed a bit confused, but also very amused when he saw 3 folk with mustaches on sticks holding a plastic ball gun to the head of a cardboard cutout of the doctor!
Thief 1 arrived to give hand over the ransom, and we reluctantly parted with our stolen gem in exchange for the haikus.
Maybe if you are good internet viewers I will share them with you someday.  
So there you have it!
The wonderful Tennant heist and the absence of pneumonia!
Happy weekend, and don't anyone die from the plague please.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Dork pants and high ponies

I present to you a wonderful pair of "dorky pants" passed along down to me from the illustrious fashion headquarters: Davenport's own House of G-ma.

yay bad photoshopping!
While I was introduced to them as "dorky pants" all those I met today who chose to speak their minds about these fine trousers thought they were anything but!  
I'm telling you, corduroy+ florals + high waisted pants = one wonderful combo!
Every time I look at these pants I can't help but feel they came whizzing straight out of the 90s to smack me in the face.  A pleasant smack in the face, mind you.  
I felt they would be best accompanied with the top-of-the-head-ponytail.  But of course there is always one problem with wearing a high ponytail...
It's tendency to migrate down the side of your head as the day wears on!
But keep a spring in your step never-the-less,
and do a jig like a wee leprechaun!
(also don't get the flu.  None is allowed to get the flu.)

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Alright, here it goes.  The world finally needs to hear my addiction confession.
The truth is:
I'm addicted to color
Seriously, color is just about the most amazing thing to grace this planet - and I am absolutely in love.  
I mean just look at this:
and this!
and so on, and so forth.
I'm sure to some I may get border line clownish with some of my outfits, but I like to hope I keep my color to a tastefully outrageous level at all times.
The other night, zee roommate introduced me to a most glorious site-web:
Pretty much what goes down at this website is as follows:
- genius lady finds or takes (unknown) gorgeous pictures
- genius lady creates color schemes from pictures
- my eyes are very happy.

And there are over 300 pages of these...
Honestly, if you ever feel like you're out of color combinations, take a look outside.  I think you'll change your mind quite quickly.
I really like the idea of getting color schemes from photographs you love.  I never really thought about the option, but it would really be quite simple.  
- open up a photo in photoshop or similar program
- use the little eyedropper tool to suck up colors
- create palate of beautiful colores!

So after spending a good 20 minuets staring in awe at all the wonderful colors, we decided it was time to take action ourselves.  H had been collecting paint chips over the summer, partially for inspiration for the family living room, partially because they were really pretty, partially because she thought they might make good tiny canvases to paint on.
Splaying them out of the floor, it didn't look like we had a very smooth spectrum going on.  There seemed to be loads of one color, few of another, and very stark transitions.  Still, we set our minds on and end goal, and got sorting...
some hours later, we had almost completed a project that makes me just that much happier ever time I walk into the room:
it began on the floor...
then migrated to the wall,
crawled up a little more,
more complete than it was before,
 until finally...

Personally, I love the energy it brings to the room - and inspiration for that matter!
 It's like a big, glowing, power-circle of radiance and majesty...
well, maybe that's taking it a little too far.
~ what says the general public? ~

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Anyone who has been through the public higher education system knows how to dread these two little words:
Anyone hoping to be human in any way should run as far away from these words as possible, much less engage in them.  
And yet, somehow I survived.
As I sit here rather in a brain stupor, it still hasn't dawned on me.
I am actually done.  Am I?  Does this all begin again on Monday as it does after every other weekend of my life?  Sometimes I really wonder why I do it.  Why I care to effing much about what a lousy piece of paper has to say about my scholastic accomplishments.  It's something I need to discuss with myself - among other things.  I plan on doing some serious self-disscussion and understanding in the coming glorious weeks of freedom.  I mean we should get to known ourselves pretty well since we get to live with ourselves all our life right?
So where was I?
ahh yes the final cadence of finals week!
Now what does a student do with themselves when they suddenly find their lives that much freer you might wonder.  The answer is simple...
Do some scannin'  
Personally, I think we've developed a new art form - and stress reliever!
Behold...the hair:

I can't believe this was actually my first face-scanning adventure!  I mean it seems like something I would have tried ages ago.  Regardless, it came at the perfect time and provided a much needed belly laugh.  Also Hannah turned into a werewolf with pinkeye.
(the pinkeye was real sadly, not the werewolf)

So there you have it!  Holiday/Finals week stress-bustin' tip #1.  Keep you sanity for those of you still involved in this deranged week, and enjoy your freedom to those out!
Also, keep some washcloths on hand for de-smudging your scanner...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas time is here!

What's better at Christmas than a little decking-of-the-halls?
I've been busy decking what halls I have with what time I have not reserved for:
a.) studying for finals
b.) procrastinating about finals
c.) complaining about finals
as you can see, it's a busy schedule to be sure! 
(but in all honesty...)
many thanks to the kind citizens who randomly left christmas tree trimmings outside of the building!

what's winter without some clementine cuties?

And now, it is with great pride that I present:
The Evolution of a Dorm-Tree:

take that finals! You can't suck all the craft out of me no matter how hard you try!

Window decor curtisy of HRH:
Do you see all that GLORIOUS SNOW?!
(10+ inches to come!)

Monday, September 24, 2012

And so it Begins

Year Two,Week Two: A Picture Narrative...

school - nothing a good pursed lips can't conquer!