Monday, April 30, 2012

The Final Countdown

Today I woke up...and then didn't want to do anything about it.
It's the last week of classes, and anyone who's ever been in school knows what that mean:
which makes me feel like this:
I'm the kid, not the horse

So I had to combat the day by looking like this:

un intentionally looking a lot like that horse kid...

I've discovered that the more annoyed with the day I am - the more obnoxiously colorful I dress.
Fortunately, today is actually wrapping up pretty nicely.  Now if only I can survive until the 9th...
(I might need to listen to this song a few times)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Dressing Up

Normally I don't care much about what the "big name" designers do - but I stumbled upon some recent photos that I think are worth sharing.
The designer is Jean Paul Gaultie, and the collection is inspired by Amy Winehouse who happens to be one of my all time favorite singers.
Let's take a look:
how's that for a sultry look? 

Holy colors and textures batman!  Also the most excellent pink beehive hairdos are wizard.
It's so eclectic which I love the look and feel of - but tasteful eclectic.  Eclectic that's well put together.

On another costume note: I got to do costume design for a theatre scene I am performing with my group at the end of the Month!  The play is called Trifles and is really a pretty good piece of literature if you're ever interested.
There's loads of good symbolism in the costuming to be sure, gold stars to anyone who guesses it - or the time period for that matter! (yes, that's a challenge)

Really, everyday is an opportunity to costume - so take it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Belated Easter

Things accomplished over Easter:

1.) opened package from parents which contained my very own stunningly wrapped easter basket!

2.) Hid three hollow plastic eggs filled with candy in the study lounge.

3.) Learned how to drive a stick-shift.  Only stalled once! (European get-away-cars I am ready for you!)

4.) Had brunch with Claire's family.  Laughed at the hilarity of plywood and Lady Gaga.

5.) Had a picnic dinner on the roof of the music building

6.) Went rooftop exploring

6.) Embraced both stripes and spots!

 Happy Spring and Happy Adventuring!