Saturday, December 15, 2012

I'm Dreaming of...

But will we get one back in good ol' ioway?
After a bit of encouragement, the weather decided to give us a real run for our money last weekend.  10+ glorious inches (as I have previously boasted) of white, fluffy, sparkle-encrusted snow.
It's lasted, but has been severely diminished by a stream of constant rain today..
Right after the mini-blizzard, we went out with cameras as any self-respecting citizen would do in attempt to capture the beauty of what lay before us.  (Also attempting not to freeze our shutter-button fingers off).  The lighting was absolutely perfect, and I took way too many pictures of the bridge.  Now I'm stuck with about seven pictures, and no clue which ones I should keep, or deem the 'top of the crop'
So dear internet viewers, I would like to extend this invitation to help me choose which bridge pic to put the gold star upon.  
I also might add to the credit of natural sunlight + snow that these photos are 100% unedited in any way possible.  Way to go sunlight, you rock!

Like I said...too many pictures.
Got any suggestions?  Any home remedies for lack of snow?  Any witchcraft for lack of snow?  Any songs for lack of snow?  Any snow?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas time is here!

What's better at Christmas than a little decking-of-the-halls?
I've been busy decking what halls I have with what time I have not reserved for:
a.) studying for finals
b.) procrastinating about finals
c.) complaining about finals
as you can see, it's a busy schedule to be sure! 
(but in all honesty...)
many thanks to the kind citizens who randomly left christmas tree trimmings outside of the building!

what's winter without some clementine cuties?

And now, it is with great pride that I present:
The Evolution of a Dorm-Tree:

take that finals! You can't suck all the craft out of me no matter how hard you try!

Window decor curtisy of HRH:
Do you see all that GLORIOUS SNOW?!
(10+ inches to come!)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Early Autumn

Before Winter arrives in full force, let's take some time to remember what it was like in early autumn when roses bloomed in October, the last touch of summer still clung to the breeze.

Fall in really quite lovely if you ask me!
~Enjoy the last weeks of it~