Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Time!

As most of you have surely noticed it is well into December, marking the start of a most glorious time of year!  
Christmas Time!
 A time for Delicious holiday goodies

And of course the kitchen adventures that go along with those delicious goodies...

 A time for woolen skirts, and green argyle socks

Listening to the Messiah, and one of my most favorite things:

I have very strong feelings about making the things I come into contact with in my daily life as beautiful and unique as possible.  I guess I figure if I'm living with these things everyday, I might as well enjoy it!
I think this is why I like fun outfits so much - why would you wrap yourself with boring clothes that don't make you feel happy about yourself - or anything for that matter?

Back to the decorating.  I had a little too much fun...
What is Christmas without a wreath?
and a live one at that!  I am quite sure that this is the largest violation of fire code policy possible, but I'm going to just not say anything about it and enjoy the wonderfully piney smell while I can!
Notice the charming framing of the peep-hole going on here.

And then there are the extra branches to have fun with!

Let's not forget the SNOWFLAKES!

Or the advent calendars of choice to mark the days left until Christmas - or until finals are over, whichever you prefer.

There is really something beautiful about lights, especially in a small, dark room.  Also - check out that mini sewing machine on the far left! I took it for it's maiden voyage last weekend, when I made a wallet for my secret santa!  It did fantastically well, and even sewed through two layers of fabric, and a layer of cardboard!

But one of the best things about Christmas...
Is the Tree

Tree-toppers are easy to come by with the help of ribbon and paper:

So happy Christmas time to everyone, where ever you are!  Have fun snow romping (or grass romping depending on your climate), and if your Christmas seems a little lack-luster all it takes is something simple like wreath to make all the difference.  I mean people say we are what we eat...doesn't that apply to what we surround ourselves with too?
Here is a final (and über illegal) image for you:
 *cough* NOT a fire hazard *cough*
Make some snowflakes, drink some hot cocoa, and just have a really splendid time with whatever you do!
Oh - and send comments with some pictures of your holiday-time decor of any kind.  I love-a-the new ideas!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Sometimes you've got to accept what you're given - to make it into something you like.  

I love Disney princess coloring books, but this picture just needed a little help!
and this doesn't just apply to coloring books.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Perks of Being in a Film

Acting in films a dangerous business - or at least acting in the films created by myself and other cohorts is.
I do not exaggerate when I say we have worked in below freezing temperatures for hours on end.  Frost-bitten and fumbling as we attempt to unfold tripods and frantically improv lines.
Gosh do I love it!
This weekend I had the great honor (and knee-knocking cold experience) to be part of another film.  This time directed by the great Z.P.W
That's her in the background all blurry and artsy like a good director should be.
Well I'm not sure about the blurry part - but artsy is good...
This time round I got to enjoy a tea party by myself in a graveyard - all the whilst freeze my knickers off.  Not to mention a killer costume and some especially fantastic make-up by our own one-man wonder Monica.
Films are so rewarding when you get them right.  Of course that part takes about twenty years...but it's great when it's all done!
Another perk of being in a film?
I got to keep the dress!

Seriously - that's better than being paid!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Halloween Re-run

So Halloween was some weekends ago, and I feel as if I should catch up a bit on that weekend of fun!  I mean it's a holiday pretty much dedicated to dressing up - you can't go wrong!
(caution you may need to avert your eyes...)

OOPS! forgot your clothes did you?
Oh wait - YES YOU CAN!

College towns are chock full of the most unattractive costumes you will ever see in your life.  Seriously, I would like to have a good fist-to-face meeting with the person who came up with the sexy ______ halloween costume ideas!
Luckily I partook in no such nonsense.

Somehow I got the idea that being a painting would be a really snazzy halloween costume.  I was all geared up to go as Starry night.  Well, geared up in the sense that I had an idea but no materials what so ever!  The idea went a little something like this:

add some sparkles, a cardboard picture frame and I was ready to go!
Unfortunately, paint was outrageously expensive, I couldn't find a dress, and the broken mirror in the trashcan disappeared before I had time to nab it.  So, heart-broken and desperate I let out a great scream of despair!
 and suddenly got a brilliant idea!

Hours later, with the help of a mega piece of cardboard, scissors and some black eyeshadow and I was screamin' ready to go.  (pardon bad puns here)

The best part was walking around campus all day monday, watching peoples faces go from seriously confused - to highly amused!
Lucky for me I live by all the artsy folk, so 98% of the people I ran into got it after a few seconds.  It was really fun, I was entertained.
SO for those of you wishing to make you own scream costume to wear to the grocery store, you will simply need the following:

1 large piece of cardboard (maybe some extra to reinforce it)
a good deal of acrylic paint
a steady hand
black eyeshadow for sunken eyes and hollow cheeks!

Granted - it's not the most beautiful job, my perspective is kind of funky, but it certainly got the job done! And now I can display it on my wall with pride.  And of course use it to scream when life gets a little too hectic!

Did you have a fantastic halloween costume? Leave a comment below

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cheers to Falls!

All I've got for you today is images, but hey they say a picture is worth a thousand words!

How's that for a summary of Autumn? 

lets do credits while we're at it shall we:
shirt...goodwill find years ago
awesome vest-like-creation...goodwill find recently
skirt...oldschool cheerleading uniform found in locker room
tights...who knows! swap maybe?
boots...4 dollars at goodwill baby!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Glorious Day

BEHOLD THE BIKE TRAIL: gateway to all adventure...
There are just too many intriguing pathways to be discovered here - I don't know what to do with myself!!

Like this! How is there at 52ft waterfall in the middle of the city?!

I got lots of comments today on my "crown".  Personally, I like to use the word "headband", and while I'm flattered they consider me royalty, that wasn't exactly the look I was going for.  

Roll the credits baby...

Shirt...100% sparkly, blue, vintage awesomeness from the Webbs
long-sleeves...st. vincent find
belts...once moms, now mine!
Jeans...swap items taken in to create my very first pair of skinny jeans!
Shoes...another st. vincent wonder
jewels...world and dangly necklaces both gifts
headband...gift from easy huzzah!

It is I - the woodland creature! 

Aunt Joni's Pumpkin Pie for broke College folk: or for the culinarily daring!
Serving Size: as much as you want!
That's right - I can use the "aunt so&so's recipe" card now!  Makes you trust my cooking more doesn't it?

Can of pumpkin puree
Container of plain or vanilla yogurt
Pumpkin Pie spice (or whatever autumnal spices you like)
Bit a maple syrup
Graham crackers
Spoon and Bowl
A fall flavored appetite!

In a normal sized bowl mix approximately 1 part pumpkin puree with 1 part yogurt and mix thoroughly

add a good measure of spice and mix again

At a wee bit of maple syrup - taste to make sure the sweetness is to your liking
(if you used plain yogurt and want a sweeter pie taste, I recommend adding honey or a bit more maple syrup

Now break some gram crackers into fourths and artistically insert them into your bowl of pumpkin pie mixture

Garnish with perhaps more spice or some chocolate shavings if your feeling adventurous!


Monday, October 17, 2011

I've got OVERALLS!

That's right - my own little slice of Americana.  The classic, the versatile, the down-to-earth overalls need to be making a comeback...
Honestly overalls stand for everything I look for in clothing:

They can be stylin' should you wish them to be -

They are ever so wearable, and you can leap high buildings, scamper up trees and frolic through fields in them no problemo -

You can mix them with just about any style of clothing/accesories possible, and somehow it ends up working -

Three CHEERS for overalls!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 23rd!

 I've realized that it's quite apparent that about 90% of my wardrobe is due in part to another person, or in my case a generous donor (usually a few sizes larger than me)
I've decided to start crediting my sources - you know, like you would in a good research paper to make yourself seem more informed and knowledgable!
I mean we could all use a little extra credibility now and then right?
The real reason I'm going to attempt to start crediting my outfits, is basically because I think tis pretty nifty that most of my outfits are in a way "recycled" or hand-me-downs - and I feel the need to prove to the fast regions of the inter webs that "hand-me-downs" can be fabulous and completely wear-worthy!

Some Details:
shirt -
 shoes -

Shirt...an original mom piece
belt...thanks again to my mother dearest
pants...authentic 70s beauties from Z's mom
socks...actually purchased somewhere (*gasp*)
shoes...heck yes to goodwill
coat...swap item
scarf...another mom piece

I feel like I should here-by dub this outfit the "Mom-fit" or something!

Happy Fall!...