Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2012

Being a Kid

Being a kid is probably one of the best experiences we will ever get in our lives.  I've never understood when people have this uncontrollable urge to grow up - I mean we only get 1/6 or less or our lives where being utterly enthusiastic, creative and inquisitive is socially acceptable.  After that the pressure is on to fit in with the rest of the 'normal' world.  Suddenly you become immature if you want to run around and play ridiculous, fictitious games.  You become messed-up instead of cute when you talk to yourself.  Not to mention the fact that suddenly you are expected to work for the rest of your life, earning as much money as possible so you can retire happily.  
I refuse.  That's right - I just flat our denied your pressures to grow up world, what do you have to say to that?  I don't care if people scoff and give frosty looks, because I will be having about 400 times more fun than they are!
So here's an invisible toast to all those who have discovered that it's okay not to grow up so fast.  Because honestly - what's the point if you aren't enjoying anything?

Why mom's should let their kids dress themselves:

why can't I be this frakin cute nowadays?! 
In honor of anti-growing up antics, here are some pictures from about a month ago to prove that college hasn't sucked all the fun out of my soul (although sometimes I feel otherwise).

Good, Clean Fun Idea:
~bottle boats~
 Supplies needed:
- plastic bottles
- scissors
- markers
 - tape
- crafty decorating supplies
- twine or rope
- whatever else you want!

Hannah's mighty vessle, complete with newspaper pirate-picture sail

My iceberg-crushing ship Le Printemps 

So for all of you looking for something different than your walk down the block with your dog or friend - I invite you to try taking your very own boat for a walk!  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Time!

As most of you have surely noticed it is well into December, marking the start of a most glorious time of year!  
Christmas Time!
 A time for Delicious holiday goodies

And of course the kitchen adventures that go along with those delicious goodies...

 A time for woolen skirts, and green argyle socks

Listening to the Messiah, and one of my most favorite things:

I have very strong feelings about making the things I come into contact with in my daily life as beautiful and unique as possible.  I guess I figure if I'm living with these things everyday, I might as well enjoy it!
I think this is why I like fun outfits so much - why would you wrap yourself with boring clothes that don't make you feel happy about yourself - or anything for that matter?

Back to the decorating.  I had a little too much fun...
What is Christmas without a wreath?
and a live one at that!  I am quite sure that this is the largest violation of fire code policy possible, but I'm going to just not say anything about it and enjoy the wonderfully piney smell while I can!
Notice the charming framing of the peep-hole going on here.

And then there are the extra branches to have fun with!

Let's not forget the SNOWFLAKES!

Or the advent calendars of choice to mark the days left until Christmas - or until finals are over, whichever you prefer.

There is really something beautiful about lights, especially in a small, dark room.  Also - check out that mini sewing machine on the far left! I took it for it's maiden voyage last weekend, when I made a wallet for my secret santa!  It did fantastically well, and even sewed through two layers of fabric, and a layer of cardboard!

But one of the best things about Christmas...
Is the Tree

Tree-toppers are easy to come by with the help of ribbon and paper:

So happy Christmas time to everyone, where ever you are!  Have fun snow romping (or grass romping depending on your climate), and if your Christmas seems a little lack-luster all it takes is something simple like wreath to make all the difference.  I mean people say we are what we eat...doesn't that apply to what we surround ourselves with too?
Here is a final (and über illegal) image for you:
 *cough* NOT a fire hazard *cough*
Make some snowflakes, drink some hot cocoa, and just have a really splendid time with whatever you do!
Oh - and send comments with some pictures of your holiday-time decor of any kind.  I love-a-the new ideas!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Prom pom pom prom

That Title was supposed to sound like a drum - like the little drummer boy (p-rum pum pum pum?)
Neato - anyway!
I figured that even though Prom was a long time ago, I might post some photos because my dress was pretty much my most intense clothing accomplishment of the season, and well this is for those outfit lovers out there (and those of you who like to read the newspaper.)


The Process:

 The Results!


My face says "I'll punch you in the gullet! 'cuz I'm from the wilderness!"

I like feathers - feathers are nice!

Goodwill dress on inside (just incase something ripped!)
100% newspapers on the outside (plus some thread, duct tape and safety pins)
All the newspaper (minus the top) is painted with waters colors and watery-glue mixture, some of them are just painted with watery-glue for extra stability and non-rippage.  Dress lasted for about 5 outings I think, and is still in decent condition but I'm going to take it apart soon because I don't think it's really a long term garment!
I implore you: please appreciate this because it took many a day, many a week and loads of procrastination!