Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors!
Home to all sorts of exterior adventures and fun waiting expectantly on the other side of your front (or back) door!
Here's a quote to tickle your thinker:
A study conducted by Gentile, Lynch, Linder & Walsh (2004, p.6) "adolescent girls played video games for an average of 5 hours a week, whereas boys averaged 13 hours a week".
Here's what I think:
Tactile, oxygen-pumped experiences are way too fun to pass up for virtual substitutions.
Can't remember what to do when you go outside for fun?  Fear not! Here are some brain jump-
starts to get you headed in the right direction:

Outdoor adventure #1:
Bonus: unexpectedly cleans your face in the process!

Outdoor adventure #2:

Need some more ideas? Check out an older post on recycled boat-making!
So whether you're 5, twenty, 50, eighty-two, or 100+ there's something for you right outside your door.  You've got a life, and you've got a whole planet to romp about on!  
Welcome to:
The Great Outdoors!
What do you like to do in the great outdoors? Leave a comment below if you fancy.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Being a Kid

Being a kid is probably one of the best experiences we will ever get in our lives.  I've never understood when people have this uncontrollable urge to grow up - I mean we only get 1/6 or less or our lives where being utterly enthusiastic, creative and inquisitive is socially acceptable.  After that the pressure is on to fit in with the rest of the 'normal' world.  Suddenly you become immature if you want to run around and play ridiculous, fictitious games.  You become messed-up instead of cute when you talk to yourself.  Not to mention the fact that suddenly you are expected to work for the rest of your life, earning as much money as possible so you can retire happily.  
I refuse.  That's right - I just flat our denied your pressures to grow up world, what do you have to say to that?  I don't care if people scoff and give frosty looks, because I will be having about 400 times more fun than they are!
So here's an invisible toast to all those who have discovered that it's okay not to grow up so fast.  Because honestly - what's the point if you aren't enjoying anything?

Why mom's should let their kids dress themselves:

why can't I be this frakin cute nowadays?! 
In honor of anti-growing up antics, here are some pictures from about a month ago to prove that college hasn't sucked all the fun out of my soul (although sometimes I feel otherwise).

Good, Clean Fun Idea:
~bottle boats~
 Supplies needed:
- plastic bottles
- scissors
- markers
 - tape
- crafty decorating supplies
- twine or rope
- whatever else you want!

Hannah's mighty vessle, complete with newspaper pirate-picture sail

My iceberg-crushing ship Le Printemps 

So for all of you looking for something different than your walk down the block with your dog or friend - I invite you to try taking your very own boat for a walk!